I'm back! And after much deliberation, I have decided what type of post I feel is appropriate for this time of year. The end of the school year is often a time to reflect so, naturally, I looked back to the Senior Edition of my school newspaper, printed just about this time last year (hey, I'm a Journalism major...what did you expect?). Inside, I found my senior letter, in which I bestowed on the student body of my high school the wisdom that I felt I had gained over the four years prior to my graduation. Now, although I am no Aristotle, I do believe that it is interesting to see what I was thinking during the "monumental" point in my life when I was being thrown out into the hard, cruel world (or so I thought at the time).
So, here it is. Maybe inside you will find something relevant to you, whatever point in your life you are at.
"Roughly 28 classes, 22 teachers, and, what seems like, thousands of AP Literature papers gone by and still, here I sit, listening to the Rolling Stones, biting my nails, and attempting to write this paper, that you are currently reading, the night before it’s due. Although some things will never change, I feel that many things, such as my wisdom, have. That being said, here is some advice I feel is notable.
Don’t over think the small stuff. It sounds so simple , but many people don’t take this advice. So much time is wasted on petty fights or problems that will mean nothing in the long run, so don’t waste perfectly good moments being mad.
Put yourself in awkward situations: join a club that none of your friends are in, do something that makes you uncomfortable, go out of your way to talk to someone you don’t know. You can’t truly experience new things unless you step out of your safety zone.
Enjoy the moment while you’re in it. It’s easy to get caught up in things and stress out while they’re happening, especially senior year. Even when things are crazy, take time to sit back and enjoy the beauty of what’s going on. Breathing doesn’t hurt either.
Only worry about those who worry about you. Don’t waste your time trying to impress everybody. Your friends and family are the only ones who matter and, chances are, they will love you no matter what you wear, say, or looked like in the fifth grade.
Leave the past in the past…or it will be impossible to live for today. People will come in and out of your life, but in the end, the ones who make it to your future are the ones who are suppose to be there. Forget the past, but remember what it taught you.
See one of your favorite bands play live. I know this doesn’t really tie into the other ones but just trust me on this one. Also, camp with your friends.
Tell your family you love them. Frequently. Appreciate what they do for you and let them know that; you won’t always have that luxury.
Take Journalism. Biased? Maybe…but for me, it’s been more than a class. It’s been an experience; one that has taught me a lot about myself. It’s something I‘ve become passionate about through being on staff and with a little help from Mr. Covey. So I guess maybe this last bit of advice should be "find something you’re passionate" about and do whatever it takes to pursue your dreams with it. That’s what I plan to do at least."
In need of more inspiration? Check this out.
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